Landlords Co-Living

Is Demand Growing For High-End HMOs in Liverpool? 

Over the past few years HMO landlords in Liverpool have seen an increase in demand for high-end properties that offer better features and amenities.  

Professional tenants today have greater expectations than ever before and are  keen to get maximum value for money when choosing a place to live. 

Modern HMOs aren’t just a roof over the tenant’s head. Rather, HMO tenants in Liverpool are looking for somewhere stylish and comfortable that they can  call home and that comes with every amenity needed for contemporary life.  

So, what does this mean for HMO landlords in Liverpool? How is it possible to  keep up with this new demand?


A Change in Rental Trends 

Recent surveys have shown that HMO tenants now expect these things as a  minimum when choosing somewhere to live: 

  • Bigger rooms 
  • Quality furnishings 
  • Ensuite bathrooms 
  • Modern kitchens
  • High-speed broadband  

Features like energy-efficiency and gardens are also becoming a top priority.  Therefore, understanding the new trends as well as how they affect your local  market is vital if you want your HMO business in Liverpool to be a success. 


What are the Advantages of High-End HMO Properties? 

More young professionals these days are looking to HMOs when finding a  place to live. With property prices on the rise, buying a home is often out of the question at this stage in their lives, and with individual rentals still largely  unaffordable, it makes sense to move into an HMO with other like-minded  people at a more affordable cost.  

By renovating your HMO property in Liverpool to meet modern renters’  demands, you can put yourself ahead of your local competitors, boost  demand, fill up your rooms more rapidly, and even push up rents. 


How Can I Update My HMO Portfolio? 

Staying ahead of this high-end HMO curve may mean you have to carry out  updates and renovations to your properties.  

Some ways to achieve this include:  

  • Think about who your target tenants are and what they want in a  property. Research the most up to date rental trends in Liverpool and determine which features and amenities local tenants are seeking and  prioritising.
  • Consider adding high-quality features to your property such as a study or  office space to facilitate online classes and remote working. Quality  community spaces are also popular amongst HMO tenants today, with  breakfast bars being an especially appealing addition.
  • Use higher-quality appliances, finishes, and materials that will last a long  time while also giving the property a luxurious feel and look. Opting for  eco-friendly white goods will appeal to modern tenants who are keen to  live a more energy-efficient lifestyle.
  • Make design a priority. Today’s HMO tenants want properties that have  contemporary and stylish interior design schemes. Vinyl wall pieces,  colour splashes and stylish artwork are all small touches, but they make  an enormous difference to the feel and look of your property. 

If you’re looking for an effective HMO property management solution to find  the perfect tenants for your newly updated HMO property, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team here at Portus Lets Ltd. on 0151 329 3538 or email us here

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