Co-Living Development

The Pros and Cons of Converting a Property Into a HMO in Liverpool

 If you’re considering going into HMO property management, the first step is to  weigh up all the pros and cons before you forge ahead with any conversion project.  

HMO property investment can be extremely lucrative. However, there are  certain challenges in HMO conversion that need to be taken on board before  you take the plunge.  

As experts in the field, the team at Portus Lets have some HMO  conversion tips for you. In this helpful HMO conversion guide, we’ll address the  benefits (and some of the pitfalls) of HMO conversions so that you can make a  well-informed decision. 

The Benefits Of HMO Conversion  

There are numerous advantages to converting a property into a HMO including:  

Maximizing Rental Income With HMOs 

Perhaps the top reason for converting any property into a HMO is that it’s  possible to maximise your rental income. As several tenants share the property,  you can individually charge more rent than you could for a single-family rental. 

As a result, you’ll be able to benefit from greater cash flow and higher  profitability overall.  

Less Chance Of Void Periods 

One of the problems that landlords in Liverpool often face is void periods between tenants where they receive no income from  their property. With a HMO, however, the risk is substantially reduced as HMOs  typically have shorter void periods when compared with single-let tenancies.  Furthermore, if a tenant leaves, the loss can be offset in part by the income you  make from your other tenants, helping you to remain financially stable.  

A Diverse Tenant Base 

Many kinds of tenants are attracted to HMOs, from students to young  professionals, and this diversity helps to reduce the negative impact on rental  income from economic downturns.  

Greater Demand 

There is a very high demand in many urban locations for HMOs, and this  demand often results in a continuous pool of potential tenants, enabling  landlords to ensure the property remains occupied.  

The Downsides Of HMO Conversion 

While there are many advantages to HMO conversion in Liverpool there are  unfortunately some downsides too. These include:  

Stringent HMO Regulations And Compliance Requirements

There are some strict regulations pertaining to HMO property management in Liverpool with rules surrounding licensing, safety, and room sizes. Not only are  there national rules that must be followed, but there are also sometimes local  HMO regulations to comply with. Compliance with these regulations can be  costly and time-consuming.  

HMO Property Management And Ongoing Maintenance

Managing HMOs is often more labour-intensive than managing single-let  properties since you must manage the concerns and needs of several tenants,  carry out regular property inspections and deal with maintenance and repairs  promptly. Maintenance is usually required more frequently too since HMOs see  a higher level of wear and tear than standard single-family rentals. That also  means budgeting more for replacements of fixtures, fittings, and furnishings  which will eat into your return on investment for HMO conversion.  

High HMO Conversion Costs  

Converting properties in Liverpool into compliant HMOs typically requires a high  upfront investment. You will need to obtain HMO planning permission,  consider HMO design and layout, and make alterations so the property meets  current safety standards, all of which can prove to be expensive. 


In some areas, HMOs must have a license, and this also has an associated cost  for inspection, renewal, and application fees. 

High Tenant Turnover 

Usually, HMOs have a higher turnover rate of tenants than single-family  properties, and constantly sourcing and vetting tenants is often disruptive and  time-consuming.  

Should I Invest In A HMO Conversion? 

Investing in a HMO conversion is often an excellent strategy for landlords in the  UK who are keen to enjoy a higher income with reduced voids. However, there  are some challenges to bear in mind too, including greater management  responsibilities, stringent regulations, and higher upfront costs.  

Fortunately, many of the difficulties associated with HMO property  management can be mitigated by using the services of a HMO property  management company.  

At Portus Lets Ltd, we can assist with the most onerous aspects of running  your property. This includes finding and vetting tenants, arranging maintenance  and inspections, and managing rent payments.  

To find out more, contact our team today on 0151 329 3538 or email us at

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